So, I've watched the last couple weeks unfold since the Supreme Court decision on homosexuality. I will be honest, what I am going to say tonight is something I've wanted to say for several days now, but I have held off because of the myriad of blog posts, sermons, and videos that are already out there on this controversial topic from men much more qualified than I to speak on such matters. The last thing I wanted to do is jump on the bandwagon of political protestors and jump into battle, fists flying, on a topic I have conflicting views on.
I'm not going to address the decision. That's not the point of my post, and there is nothing I can do about it. For the sake of clarity, I believe that homosexuality is a sin condemned by Scripture, and is not a true marriage. But I am not going to spend any time at all on the political rightness or wrongness of this particular decision. It's done, and what its effects will be remain to be seen.
What I am going to address is the disturbing trends I see going on, both in churches, in Christian circles, and online. I have seen a plethora of blog posts and heard multiple rants on the topic, some calling this the absolute best decision the Supreme Court's ever made, with others calling it the end of our nation.
What should our reaction be to decisions such as these? I've been watching these last few weeks as Christians make their stand. And I am all in favor of taking a stand, don't get me wrong. But I have several concerns about our reaction.
1.) The government/America/Republicans/democracy is not our Savior. One of the more disturbing trends I've seen these last few weeks is that of so many Christians to act as if this is the end of Christianity, as if Jesus was somehow caught off guard with this decision and that He is now scrambling to maintain His position. Look, people, read Revelation. The fact that governments across the world are not going to make strictly Christian decisions shouldn't surprise us. In fact, we should be surprised if they did. Revelation is very clear that as the end approaches (I have no clue when it will be, but we do know that every day is a day closer, right?), governments of the earth, including America, will become more and more hostile to Christianity.
So, why does it surprise us when the government doesn't back up our Christian beliefs? America is not our savior, folks. America is a nation, a nation that has been blessed to have had Christian leaders in the past, but also one that, like every other nation of the earth, is following the path of the culture downhill away from Christ, and that shouldn't surprise us. We should be quite mentally prepared for the world to disagree with us.
2.) Gays are not inherently more evil than anyone else. This one can be a hot topic, so bare with me as I explain. It's awfully comfortable as Christians to point the finger at someone else "lower" than we are, with different struggles than us, and highlight their sin rather than address our own. In fact, Jesus told the multitudes quite the parable to go along with this: that of the publican and the Pharisee. The Pharisee, confident in his good works and outwardly pure life, spends His "spiritual" time of the week condemning the other's sins; while the publican begs for mercy before God and goes home justified. The parable offers a somber glance into the hypocrisy of pointing to other's faults and ignoring our own.
But secondly, is being tempted as a homosexual any different from being tempted as a heterosexual? I mean, if I'm honest, I face my own share of temptations that come with being a man. But are my temptations to be impure in my thoughts and actions any different from a homosexual's temptations to be impure if neither of us act on them? I don't believe so. And if both of us act on them? Are we not equally guilty in God's eyes?
I think a lot of Christians would agree on that last point, but let's take it a step further. Okay, we'll agree that two definitely bad sins are equal in the sight of God. Most Christians will agree with that. But let's step it up a notch. Is a homosexual's drive any different than my sin drive to be self-centered, or boastful? Isn't my pride just a more culturally accepted and "normal, Christian" sin than giving into gay desires?
So, what I see happening is that we point our fingers very liberally at those other people committing "worse" sins than us. But those "worse" sins are simply a man-made hierarchy that I don't see in Scripture. For example, Rom. 1, which condemns homosexuality, is part of the larger argument made by Paul in Rom. 1-3 that says all men are condemned equally (and totally) before God, because each of us is equally (and totally) dead in sin. We all, homosexual and heterosexual, stand equally guilty at the foot of the cross. And those of us who have found mercy and grace in Christ stand equally justified.
3.) Where's the love? My last concern is probably my gravest. As Christians, are two greatest duties are what, according to Jesus? To love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself. Love your neighbor. This is the entirety of the law.
So, tell me, American Christians. Where is the love? Where is the love we're called to show? Let me tell you what love is not. Love is not kicking homosexual children out of your home. Love is not condemning them constantly rather than showing Christ to them. Love is not choosing that as the sin to harp on rather than our more accepted Christian sins.
Alright, you fellow Christians. We are called to love as Christ loved. He never promised we'd enjoy it all the time, He never promised it would not be awkward or uncomfortable. Actually, He promised it would come at a cost. But that is what it means to follow Jesus.