Thursday, October 6, 2016

A Psalm of Comfort

Psalm 138
Thanksgiving for the Lord's Favor
A psalm of David

I will give thanks with all my heart;
I will sing praises to Thee before the gods.
I will bow down toward Thy holy temple,
And give thanks to Thy name for Thy lovingkindess and Thy truth;
For Thou hast magnified Thy word according to all Thy name.
On the day I called Thou didst answer me;
Thou didst make me bold with strength in my soul.

All the kings of the earth will give thanks to Thee, O Lord,
When they have heard the words of Thy mouth.
And they will sing of the ways of the Lord.
For great is the glory of the Lord.
For though the Lord is exalted,
Yet He regards the lowly;
But the haughty He knows from afar.

Though I walk in the midst of trouble, Thou wilt revive me;
Thou wilt stretch forth Thy hand against the wrath of my enemies, 
And Thy right hand will save me.
The Lord will accomplish what concerns me;
Thy lovingkindess, O Lord, is everlasting;
Do not forsake the works of Thy hands.


  1. Hi Taylor! How is life? I miss seeing your blog posts, but totally understand that sometimes its not possible or just not the right season to blog. ;) Been there myself a time or two! ;)

  2. Hey, Hannah! Life is... crazy at the moment. But it's good and I have no complaints. I am working on a new blog, which is the reason for none over here. :)I've changed and matured a bit since I started this one, so I'm working on building and starting fresh. It'll be out very soon and I'll announce it over here.

    1. Awe totally know what you mean! I am in finals week so its pretty crazy around here too. I just took my hopefully very last ever Greek test this morning. Yikes!
      Excited to see and rad your new blog! I have thought several times about starting fresh, but I just can't get myself to completely dissert my old blog that I have had for so long, so I just changed the name instead.
